Sunday, 20 September 2009

Career Coaching @ India

Since last 7-8 years I have been working with Indian job market directly or indirectly. I have changed job thrice in my career and have advised numerous people on what to do and what not to on numerous occasions. Some of the so called advised are right where as most of them lacked the in depth understanding. At times, I was eager to take help of an expert, what is right career for me. Am I doing right or just moving with the flow of the stream? What makes an ideal career for somebody? I wanted to discuss the same with some expert. I have browsed through the recruitment portals. These are a few observations:

The sites are meant for the company that is recruiting. They can put forward their requirement and one who is looking for job can look forward getting it. They provide services such as resume writing, resume flash etc. but it is limited in getting a job. It lacked understanding the candidate, her strengths and weaknesses, her passion, love and desire. It does not have any test to see what she likes most. It neither speaks about setting goal and achieving them, rather it was all about here is an opening XYZ, and whether she will fit in. And this may give her an salary increment of y percentage. The higher the y, the sweater it is. Even some consultants claim they are not interested for the profiles put in job sites such as Naukri and Monster.

I was in a dilemma whether to continue my job in IT or move to education. Should I pursue Ph.D or MBA or nothing at all? Should I go for full time or part time one? And many more questions. I was ready to pay for the service. In return I would get call from XYZ company for abc post. I was not not sure if I was interested in any of those companies or positions. I think many other people might have faced the same situation.
I was checking with my friends and juniors about what they do, what they want to do, and what is their plan after 5-10 years and are they happy with their job, what is their plan to achieve them. I might not have recorded them all and have taken incorrect samples. So the result might be unscientific, but most answers are like this. I am doing dev/testing/support. I want to be a manager/technical after 5 years. I am satisfied/unsatisfied/somehow satisfied with my current job. I don't know how to achieve my goal.

In India there are lots of people who are not sure about their career. They are not sure about what they like, what makes them happy, what they need to do to achieve it. If they say they want a change, most probable they will get similar job profile. So there is a huge scope for career consultants (not recruiters) in India.

Why does India lack career consultants? I can think of 3 reasons.
1) Expertise required for career coach: It may be a tough job. It is easier to search in a job portal for couple of key word and call couple of guys for an interview than understanding a human being.
2)Less Revenue: When a recruiter helps recruiting a candidate for a company, she gets x percentage of the annual gross salary of the candidate. How much a career consultant get?
3) A new field of expertise: Job search is new, but coaching is new concept. As India is adopting from west, so India may get career coaches in future.

In a nutshell India does not have effective career coaching. It has a huge potential for career coaches. Currently India does not have coaches because of the revenue model but will expand.

1 comment:

  1. some nice stuff in your article I really feel speechless, because it is quit pretty article. Beside this it is also a long After reading lasting article. Thanks for giving me such type of useful information..

    career coaching
