Saturday, 19 December 2009
That horse rider and current IT industry
1st half:
There was a king who has passion for horse and horse riders. He used to buy the best horses and hire the best horse riders and pay them competitively. Once he heard about a horse rider named X who is able to ride horse for 2 days without taking any rest and wanted to hire X. The king called the minister and asked to hire X before any other king hires X. The minister was trying to tell something. The king ordered to hire X then talk to the king.
2nd half:
The minister went to the king and said he is able to hire X. King thanked him and asked how is he able to do it. Who is able to do it. The minister said they have another horse rider Y who can ride horse for continuous 3 days without rest and Y is able to catch X. The king wanted to congratulate Y. Minister said Y is no more available as the neighbor king has already hired him. King asked why he did not inform him about Y earlier. Te minister said he wanted to. But king was not ready to listen. And ordered to talk to him only after hiring X successfully. Minister did everything to hire X reluctantly.
Resemblance with current It Industry:
Many It industries are looking for the talents available outside and compete to pay them to hire them. They get paid whatever they have asked for. Mostly the outsiders are paid higher than equivalent and better people inside. The result is the better people inside are forced to quit. Is it a unknown problem to the management? I don't think so. Is it like management does not want to fix it? I have no clue. Your suggestions are welcome.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Shewag better than Viv? You must be kidding.
A bit too much to ask for. Viv will storm into any all time best test or one day cricket team. Shewag will not be one of them. Viv is both an attacking player with sound technique where as Shewag bats well with eye hand coordination. Viv has played at a time when scoring rates are lower (compare batsman of those era) where as Shewag played when scoring rates are higher. Though the scoring rate of Shewag is better than that of Richards, if we look at relative scoring rate Richards is way ahead of Shewag. Shewag is not able to change his gear and play longer and slower innings when required.
So Viv is a far better player and belongs to the all time great cricketer, where as Shewag belongs to great cricketer of this generation.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Value of team work
By the time the product development lead has to go on a vacation so she asked her team members to fix any problems on her behalf. QA has started testing the application. Earlier any issues raised by QA were sending to the product development team. Now QA does not know whom to send the defect. She thought the component was developed by the evangelist, so send any defect to him. She sent couple of defects to him which should have been fixed by the development team. He was not well for 2 days, so checked mail after 2 days and mailed saying it is not his fault. And development team member said it is not his fault either. So they went to check the document which depicts the behavior of the application. Evangelist was right as per the document, but developer was right in terms of what the old application behaved. So it was actually a mistake in depicting the old behavior. Development lead has done it on and above her regular work. Evangelist has done his part of the work brilliantly, and developer is trying to say what is right, and the product is not delivered on time.
Evangelist agreed to fix the problem and move on and it was moved from QA to UAT almost after 2 weeks. The show is full of couple of individual brilliancy followed by a poor show by the team.
PS: This incident is based on a true incident. Names has been deleted to protect privacy. Some of the events have been to tweaked to make it more interesting
Monday, 30 November 2009
A math/programming question
int sum = 0;
for(int i=100;i<1000;i++)
if(i % 7 == 0)
sum += i;
Anish bettered the answer saying we don't need to do expensive division
and can do it using a while loop
int sum = 0;
int i = 105;
sum += i;
i += 7;
return i;
I don't like for loop and wanted a generic solution where the divisible number can be anything.
I don't want to change the code in case want to add all the 7 digit numbers divisible by 71. Or so on. Sathish's program can be tweaked a little to make it more generic, but that is not what we wanted. I wanted the expensive division operators out. And want to change while loops to for loops.
int getSum(int factor, int lowest, int highest) {
int start = ((lowest-1)/factor)+1)*factor;
int end = (highest/factor)*factor;
int sum = 0;
for(int i=start;i<=end;i+=factor){
sum += i;
return i;
Statistics is like a mini skirt
One of my friend was buying a home in 2005. He was looking at various housing loans. An agent from a private leading bank approached him with all the details. He said bank provides 2 kind of home loan interest 1)Fixed rate and 2) floating rate. Fixed rate Interest was about 1 percent higher than the floating rate. I advised him to go for fixed rate as the interest rate is all time high and can go up at any time. And he almost agreed. Then came our counselor, the home loan agent. He said rate has never changed in last 25 years for people who opted for floating interest rate. So most probable it wont change either. Why to pay extra one more percent. And my friend got convinced and signed the document. I have not asked the question on the spot, but later realized the interest rate went down with time in last 26 years. And bank never handed the facility to borrower. Will it continue to do the same in case rate goes up? And my doubt turned true. He got loan with 7 percent and paying an interest of 11.5 percent.
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Another interview
First round of the interviews were to be conducted by our senior QA engineers, who would look at functional testing use case writing etc. I would look at the knowledge beyond QA. I would look at stretch goals such as do they know how to deploy application, how to look logs and provide some useful information to development beyond a bug. Can they help development reproduce the bug in development if it were not reproducible. We have an aggressive growth plan, so need resources urgently, but we don't want to hire the wrong person. So I was anxious to do the job and tensed if I will be able to do it right.
I met with a senior QA engineer to understand what they are looking for. What are the typical questions they ask. I was working with the QA team closely, so I have a clear understanding about their work and expectations. Then came the interview time, I have to meet the candidates after met by a senior QA engineers. I was tensed for the first guy, and the tension reduced gradually. Asked them from a range of questions unit testing, functional testing to some UNIX commands and deployment and puzzles.
I figured out it was just another day with a new experience.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Statistics is like a mini skirt
Infosys was one of the best Indian corporate. I was surpised to find out that Infosys more competative than Harvard. I ask the fundamental question, what is harder? How do I decide whether X or Yis harder? And x and y can be Infosys, Harvard or any other entity. To me if I (or simillar people who wish to join both Infosys and Harvard) can get x but not y then y is harder for me. By doing the same for large number of people we can figure out what is harder. Another approach would be give Y to people who have X and X to people who have Y. In case many people who have Y are ready join X, then X is better and vice versa. Given that, many infoscians would be happy to join Harvard but not the other way. But statistics says the Infosys has a higher rejection ratio, so a tough place to get in.
Currently I was looking at Silicon India article, which said average salary of woman is 30 percent less than that of ab average man in Indian IT industry. I was stunned to read the news. I have not come across any IT organization which makes salary discrimination based on sex. I thought may be my knowledge is limited or I worked only at companies which does not discriminate or both. But I read the line again, it said the average salary of Indian females is less than that of average males. It can be possible because the ratio of men to women is higher for senior people who draw higher salary than the ratio in the lower salary. For example say a freshers gets 3,00,000 per anum and a 5 years exp clad gets 12,00,000 per anum. And the male to female ratio at 5 years exp is 3:1 which is 2:1 for freshers and the ratio of fresher to 5 yr exp is 3:1
We can take the smallest number with M1,M2,M3,F1 getting 12,00,000 per anum and M4,M5,M6,M7,M8,M9,M10,M11,F2,F3,F4,F5 getting 3,00,000 per anum.
Average salary of males = 5,45,454 per anum
Average Salary of females = 4,80,000 per anum
Which says the average salary is lower for woman. The figure gets even worse with higher ratio between fresher to senior position, higher salary difference and lower ratio at senior positions and higher ratio at fresher level. Of course it gets better with the opposite conditions, but truth will make the average salary look lower.
I would like to know the sample size and how average salary is calculated before jumping the gun and say women in IT paid lower than the men.
Then ave sal of male =
Then average sal of male = 12
Monday, 9 November 2009
Forced to paste against my and company's will
After putting my id and before putting the domain name I have to put @. Unfortunately I have a laptop with Swiss key board where @ comes with key stroke Alt GR + 2 instead of Shift + 2. I am habituated with it. So typed the same. Err.. It prompted me with a message you can not copy paste here. I have the option of disabling the java script and type it. Then enable the java script. Or to register from office. Both will take whatever I have entered away and have to do it again.
I copied my mail id from the mail id and pasted it in the confirm mail id by clicking right click paste.
Bajaj Allianz has a good intention of not allowing paste in the confirm mail id. But it left me with only option of pasting me the mail id. I am forced to do what Bajaj Allianz did not want. I do not understand why Alt Gr key is not allowed but right click is allowed in a site. And in case it wanted to stop pasting, then it should have blocked ctl+v instead of simillar sounding Alt GR key. I have posted the same as a feedback t bajaj Allianz and will post their reponse if any.
The error is a smaller one and won't loose any customers. I would have continued at Bajaj Allianz irrespective of the outcome. However sometimes product miss what they intend to do.
Monday, 26 October 2009
MemoryOutOfBound Error
We tweaked the settings to get the dump of the heap. And systems were failing regularly. Once we bounce the server, server starts working and another server fails in 15-20 minutes. I checked memory status using jmap, and heap size was no where close to 2 GB. Development tech lead told that the system was working fine when may heap size was 512 mb in stead of 2 GB, so we reverted back to 512 mb. And suddenly it started working. And that was right, reducing heap size helped. The reason was,
We were using a 32 bit system with 4 GB memory. OS was using 2 GB for its internal usage. When we provide 2 GB for JVM heap, there were little memory left for any native calls such as creating OS thread, opening a socket etc. And we used to get MemoryOutOfBound error. Reducing it to 512 MB helped.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Paid to make mistake
Man is to err and will make mistake. We do mistake, even Vivek Paul makes mistake. But we should not repeat our mistakes. We should learn from mistakes. Anybody who makes and repeats mistake needs to be fired (too harsh, isn't it?). So one has the option of working in the comfort zone and not making any mistake or stretching her ability and do something new and may make mistake. And we are all paid to grow and stretch ourselves, do new things which is out of our comfort zone and make mistakes.
I was reading Michael Nygard's Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software (Pragmatic Programmers). He also agreed with the trainer. He claims he does make mistake, but all the mistakes are unique. Once he learns about a mistake, he ensures that it does not happen twice. And as a cynic he expects something will go wrong in the production.
I got a different prospective from my manager. He at certain cases could have put the blame on certain mistakes on some of the team members including me. In stead he took the responsibility and ensured that the mistake did not happen again. It is not about blaming others but owning the mistake, fixing it and moving forward ensuring it does not happen again.
Doing it right at right time
Both Delhi and Bangalore knocked out because they lost the group match to a team which went to the next round. So they went to the next round but with 0 points. Victoria lost a match but to a team which was eliminated from the group stage. That was the differentiator between Victoria and other teams.
So it is not only a mistake (loosing a match) but the mistake which got added (carried forward points) costed Bangalore and Delhi.
Friday, 25 September 2009
When the student is ready the master appears
Why did Krishna choose to explain it to Arjuna? Why did he choose to explain just before the mahabharat war? Was Arjuna fool or coward, who wanted to avoid the war?
Arjuna was definitely neither coward nor fool. He was one of the smartest person and best student of his teacher. He was brave and energetic and had proved it enough time. Krishna choose to explain Arjuna and not anybody else, because none other bothered about it. Probable none else had the intelligence and foresight to ask such questions. As questions are from Arjuna, Krishna choose to explain Arjuna instead of everybody. Arjuna did not have the ability to see his Viswaroop, he was able to see it after gifted with Divya chakshyu. So others were not clear about their task, but were not knowledgeable enough to ask such questions or understand the answer. So Krishna explained it to Arjuna.
Krishna explained it during war because Arjuna had the confusion during war. He did not ask it earlier, so Krishna did not explain it earlier.
So krishna the best friend, brother in law, well wisher and supreme lord of Arjuna is ready to answer question only when Arjuna has questions. So its not the presence of the master or getting a master but readiness of the student and having appropriate question can create a master piece.
Monday, 21 September 2009
Don't always follow what your Boss says...
It is important to follow the BOSS. Everybody wants loyal people who she can rely on. But to be reliable one sometimes needs to out smart her boss, as boss might not have all the information that she has. I am providing a couple of case studies where following the boss did harm the employer AND/OR not following the boss worked.
CASE STUDY 1: Sam and Sonia worked at a IT service company and had a tough American customer. They were good in application programming and technology, but did not know the Investment banking. Because of their lack of domain knowledge and Indian ascent they were facing problem in handling costumer during post production support. Their Manager learned about the project and gave a short term and a long term solution. He asked them to enroll for Investment Banking 101 and spoken English in US ascent course as a long term solution and asked to twist the tongue so that it will be more US like ascent and read more about portfolio and equity (as their project is based on Portfolio) for short term resolution. Sam followed his Boss's advice religiously with
little success. Sonia did not do what exactly her boss said, but customer called their boss and asked only Sonia to be their point of contact. In return Sonia got a good appraisal and promotion. What did Sonia do? She discovered that customer was able to understand the English of Raj, who is deputed at customer location. She found out that it is not their ascent but speed which is causing the communication gap. So she tried to speak slowly where as Sam tried to speak in an unknown ascent (twisting tongue). Sam was busy reading about portfolio where as Sonia mastered the flow of the application and what exactly is bothering customer. She found out customer was unhappy because the page takes 30 seconds to load the page when an user logs in and what can be done to reduce it when Sam was reading about Equity Portfolio etc. She was able to understand customer and her requirement. So she was able to provide resolution.
So she got good appraisal, hike and a promotion.
Case study 2: Sam was deputed to customer place in London. In one of the REAL TIME trading application response time was more than 2 minutes at sometimes and mostly within 2 seconds. The requirements signed by client and service provider claims it to be 2 seconds. SLA claims any such problem in production must be resolved in 15 minutes, and in case it does not get resolved, it gets escalated and reaches VP level within 24 hours. The application was working fine at development and UAT environment but did take more time during production. Level 1 support was unable to solve the problem in 15 minutes, so the management called Sam and Harry who is known for their technical brilliance to resolve it. Their manager asked them to tune the queries what might be the most probable reason for the problem. Harry tuned the queries so the response time is within 1 second most of the time but close to 2 minutes during peak load time. Sam instead of tuning the queries checked the application log and did some profiling using the tools available. He figured out that JVM was actually not tuned for their requirement. So GC sometimes takes a long pause during peak load, and there are some physical memory leaks, which affects performance during peak load. He tuned the JVM parameters and asked for a hot fix for the memory leak. This happened in 2007 when software market was good, and market started slowing down in 2008, so client wanted only one person at London, and they have asked for Sam though Harry is senior to Sam.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Career Coaching @ India
The sites are meant for the company that is recruiting. They can put forward their requirement and one who is looking for job can look forward getting it. They provide services such as resume writing, resume flash etc. but it is limited in getting a job. It lacked understanding the candidate, her strengths and weaknesses, her passion, love and desire. It does not have any test to see what she likes most. It neither speaks about setting goal and achieving them, rather it was all about here is an opening XYZ, and whether she will fit in. And this may give her an salary increment of y percentage. The higher the y, the sweater it is. Even some consultants claim they are not interested for the profiles put in job sites such as Naukri and Monster.
I was in a dilemma whether to continue my job in IT or move to education. Should I pursue Ph.D or MBA or nothing at all? Should I go for full time or part time one? And many more questions. I was ready to pay for the service. In return I would get call from XYZ company for abc post. I was not not sure if I was interested in any of those companies or positions. I think many other people might have faced the same situation.
I was checking with my friends and juniors about what they do, what they want to do, and what is their plan after 5-10 years and are they happy with their job, what is their plan to achieve them. I might not have recorded them all and have taken incorrect samples. So the result might be unscientific, but most answers are like this. I am doing dev/testing/support. I want to be a manager/technical after 5 years. I am satisfied/unsatisfied/somehow satisfied with my current job. I don't know how to achieve my goal.
In India there are lots of people who are not sure about their career. They are not sure about what they like, what makes them happy, what they need to do to achieve it. If they say they want a change, most probable they will get similar job profile. So there is a huge scope for career consultants (not recruiters) in India.
Why does India lack career consultants? I can think of 3 reasons.
1) Expertise required for career coach: It may be a tough job. It is easier to search in a job portal for couple of key word and call couple of guys for an interview than understanding a human being.
2)Less Revenue: When a recruiter helps recruiting a candidate for a company, she gets x percentage of the annual gross salary of the candidate. How much a career consultant get?
3) A new field of expertise: Job search is new, but coaching is new concept. As India is adopting from west, so India may get career coaches in future.
In a nutshell India does not have effective career coaching. It has a huge potential for career coaches. Currently India does not have coaches because of the revenue model but will expand.
Monday, 24 August 2009
Value of Life?
The other part is flu claimed more than 50 lives in UP (oh it is not swine flu) and not a national news. Around 40 people died in Cholera in Rayagada district in Odisha. Oh, the cholera is a curable decease and people die in cholera every year. Last year more than 50 people died because of Cholera and 2 years ago more than 200 people died in Cholera. It never became the national news. Reason being????
Getting this news is both expensive as reporters needs to travel to isolated place and far away. People died are not from cities who are customers of the news paper or channel. So they are not increasing the TRP by publishing this news. The people who died are not part of any lobby groups who can pay and publish their news.So it does not have good return to investment.
So none of the news channel are displaying any interest in the flu in UP or cholera in Odisha. The life of (common) man is not the concern for the newspaper rather they are looking for better marketing by sensesalizing news.
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Common men are different than VIP.
The behavior of Indian Emigration officers are no different. I am siting an example. This is about my friend Roopak. He was working at Zurich and back to India on vacation. He has applied to extend his work permit and came to India for holidays. He was going back to Switzerland. He was back on 5th January and his work permit was expiring on 11 jan. So he had work permit for only 6 days and have already applied for extension. Immigration officers allowed him at Mumbai airport and went to Dubai but he was not allowed to board in Dubai, rather sent back to Delhi.
The story began at Delhi. He was detained there for more than 10 hours (not 2 hours like SRK). He was not allowed to made calls. We knew he was back from Dubai, but not sure about his where abouts, and came out after 10 hours. No food, no contact and nothing.
He is not SRK and treatment from emigration officer was worse than American.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Why do we need VIP status?
What is the big deal about it? Should not India and press respect each nation's right to secure herself? We can say some rule is wrong or abide by the rule. Why do we need to say, the rule is ok, but it does not apply to VVIPs? Will the press and government react in the same way had it been done to a common man? I hope they wont.
Some people say Mr Kalam is our national pride. I am hundred percent agree with them. But don't agree with them when they claim national pride should get concession and need a different rule.
How do we ensure our pride? By treating US citizens in the same way. Whether it is Bill Clinton or George Bush, they need to be frisked at the airport. And no VVIP treatment to them.their bag needs to go through normal customs et al. We can say we go by rules, in stead of asking them to relax their rules for our VVIP.
Let us look at a hypothetical situation. US relaxed rules for Indian VVIPs. An Indian VVIP took arms by her wish or compulsion by terrorists and same is used for another 9/11 like situation. Who is going to gain from it? Only the terrorists. We have an incredible record of mishandling terrorists and buckling under the pressure. Why will any other country want to be affected because of our weakness?
Is congress talking about Aam Aadmi? Dal has touched Rs 100 per kg. In stead of putting a master plan to arrest the price rise, the government is putting too much on a non issue.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
When you can't change the rule change the game
As a thumb rule, young and smaller companies grow at a faster pace than the bigger ones. In 2005 when the big companies Wipro/Infosys/TCS were growing at faster pace than their companies like MphasiS, he decided to merge his brain child with bigger name EDS.
Monday, 13 July 2009
Importance of Correlation
I am spending considerable amount of my time in interviewing candidates. The range of candidates goes from a software engineer to a technical architect. I found most of them are inept in concept of synchronization. This is typical answers I got from the interview.
Q: Do you know synchronization in java
A: Yes. It is used to restrict access to a resource. When code enters synchronized block, others won't be able to access the resource.
Q: What is resource
In a synchronized method, it is the method and in a synchronized block, it is the block. When one thread enters the block of code other thread waits for it.
Q: Can two threads access two different synchronized methods of the same object at the same time?
A: Yes
Q: can two threads access same synchronized methods of two objects of the same class at the same time?
A: No. because the method has been blocked by the first thread.
I asked the same set of questions to one interviewee. When I get the repeated wrong answers, I thought of making him learn.
I showed him a pen and said you can write using it, throw it or see it. So what is the class here?
A: Pen (Nouns are classes and verbs are methods)
What are the methods?
A: see, throw, write
Q: What should be synchronized?
A: write and throw (as thread needs exclusive access to the resource)
Q: What is resource here?
A: Pen (the object)
Q: Who are the threads?
A: I am, and you can be another
So he is clear about synchronization, and he is able to explain synchronization as he can throw the pen that he is writing, and can't write or throw a pen I am writing but can see it. He and I can write on two different pens at the same time and write is not the resource but pen is the resource. I think he understood synchronization from that day.
Synchronization is an example, but correlation works much more than that. Correlating application programming and data modeling gave birth to ORM technologies. One who can correlate Business idea with technology provides good technology solutions.

Friday, 26 June 2009
An Alternate Pricing Model
The consultant came up with ideas like resume writing service with Rs x, resume flashing for another Rs y, sending resume to consultants with Rs Z etc. And he will provide me the salary statistics and will forward my resume only to consultants who look at high paying jobs.
I felt the consultant was genuine. My resume could have been improved. Job search in not only search of a talent, but talent within right time. So applying at right time would enhance my job prospective. However I was not sure to invest on it without ensuring any return.
I proposed her an alternative model. I would avail her services and will only use her service for my job search. If it worked for me and I get an offer, then I would pay 10% of anything excess of 20% annual hike. In that case she gets more money if I get a 30% hike. And would have got 8 times what she charged for her service in case my salary was doubled. But she did not agree to my terms.
I got a job with a nice hike without her service.She lost an customer and I loose her service.I understand why she did not agree to my terms, but failed to understand why they do not think of an alternative business model.
I am not sure if job portals have thought about alternate pricing model, but software services companies do. Last weak I was going though a top out sourcing Company in India, and it has a pricing model based on the dollars saved in addition to fixed price and Time and Money model.
Dollars saved model works good during recession and is a win-win situation for both client and service provider. Client gets service at low cost and pays a part of its benefit. So its actual cost was less than what it would have been without the service. Service provider gets service contract order during recession.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Fallacy of Net Run Rate (NRR)
Net run rate = (total run scored/total over faced) - (total runs conceded/total over bowled)
Let us assume there are 2 matches between A and B in 20/20
Match1: A 200 (in 20 overs) B 99 (in 20 overs)
Match2: A 99 (in 20 overs) B 100(in 10 overs)
By looking at the result it looks B won with as big margin in 2nd match as A won in the first match. So NRR should be 0 for both A and B
Wait for a minute. Put the formula above
NRR of A = (299/40)-(199/30)=7.475-6.633=0.842
NRR of B = -0.842
Isn't it biased? Let us look at some real life picture. 2009 IPL's last league match Bangalore vs Hyderabad. In that match Hyderabad will be out from the semifinal, if Bangalore wins by 200 runs but will be in if Hyderabad bats first. If Hyd scores 100 and Bangalore is able to make it in 3 overs, still Hyd would have been in the semifinal.
When I look at the formula it looks decent, and seems like it does justice to calculating which team wins by a decent margin. However when I calculate it favors the team which bats first (most of the time).
That is because when a team which bats second does not bat its full quota (if it wins). So in winning cases, its partial over is calculated (100 runs and 10 overs as per example) where as team which bats first its full quota is taken into consideration.
So to make NRR fair to the team batting second, a team should play its full quota or calculate its score using DL.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
When there is a will there is a way:: Er. Pravat Patra
All the hostels habe their own garden, but not comparable with the new hostel (final year hostel currently ladies hostel) garden. And the land have some unwanted grasses, trees and bushes. One would be able to find snakes and rats in the land, which is in the middle of east,west, north and south hostel. Pravatji decided to make a garden at the central land. He spoke with certain friends. Response was positive from most of his friends. So he started with the gardener who was working for west hostel. He and his friends joined the gardener to cut the bushes, clean the unwanted grasses.It was his routine work from 4 PM to 7 PM. After cleaning they put some grasses and flowers in the central garden.
Maintaing the garden was a really collaborative. East hotel was providing water pipe where as west hostel was providing electricity and gardener. North hostel was providing gardener and trolley. And the garden flourished in a couple of months.
To be contd..
Help to Cyclone affected people of Odisha

Rajkanika has seen worst cyclone, and politicians and government is busy with election. So not much relief has done at Rajkanika, Odisha.
The devastating cyclone of 31.03.2009 has caused thousands of people homeless in the Rajkanika Block of Kendrapara District. 16 peoples have been died so far and more than 500 people have been injured. Around 50 nos. of cattle have been injured and died. Thousands of people of 12 villages in 7 Panchayats have been badly affected.
As always, the volunteers of Utkal Bipanna Sahayata Samiti have rushed to the spot immediately to rescue people & give relief to the affected people. More than 150 volunteers with 2 Ambulances, doctors & paramedical staff have been engaged for different services like rescue, relief, medical aid, cleaning of roads, food materials & clothes distribution, cooked food distribution etc.
The volunteers have been rendering their selfless service day & night for the last 2 days in the affected villages Baghapada, Ganja, Jaguleipada, Sarasa, Govindapur, Taila, Seba Basti & other affected villages.
2 nos. of ambulances with paramedical staff have been engaged to give first aid to the injured people & to shift the injured people to the Rajnagar hospital & other local hospitals. Health camps have been organized in the affected places to give medical aid to the injured people.
More than 100 volunteers have been engaged to clean the roads and to help the affected families to build their houses.
Materials distributed by the volunteers of UBSS so far
i) Biscuit- 25000 Pkts.
ii) Baby food- 300 pkts.
iii) Saree- 2 Nos. of saree (for each family) to 670 families
iv) Dhoti- 2 Nos. of Dhoti (for each family) to 670 families
v) Candle
vi) Match Box
vii) Baby food packets (containing biscuit, amul, sagu & sugar)-10000 packets
Apart from above 2 nos. of centres have been opened to give cooked food at the following places
Name of the village Avg. no. of people (everyday)
i) Baghapada 1500
ii) Ganja 1000
In the coming days, more no. of cooked food centres will be opened to give service to the poor affected people which will continue for more than 3 days. Similarly other services like materials distribution, cleaning, health camp etc. will also be organized for more days.
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
The other side of IT Professionals
India is growing at a faster rate than the rest of the world. IT is not the only cause but it is one of the reasons why India is growing at a faster place. Earlier Indians are refereed to taxi drivers or labors whose per capita income was lower than national average where as today Indians are related to IT professionals whose per capita income is higher than national average (of the country where the professional are staying). So India is no longer looked as a weak, poor country. They are the face of the vibrant India, and India is not looked down by westerners.
IT professionals work hard and need to spend 8 or more hours at work. Some people like it and most people abide by it as they don't have a choice. But the end result is, we are not afraid to work. It is quite opposite to what happens in the government offices. The work culture at IT has transformed Government offices to some extent (will transform even more) and the young generation government officers are not shy to work hard. This is a change in national character and help India move forward.
Odishaku khaila kie?? Congress..
Not all but most of the Odia people are happy with whatever they get. And they believe in simple living. So they are happy with whatever they have and don't aspire and dream. This has lead to laziness and dependent on luck. If people don't get their regular crop (due to flood or drought) they blame their luck and go ahead with the life. This in turn become a part and parcel of their live and they have not thought of having a better life. They have not dreamed, so having a lion share in the mines, Odisha has a low share in industrial production.
India's revenue model was designed to federated where central government collects the revenue centrally and let the Govt of India do the expenditure and state government spend it as per the donations by central government. Odisha government was not getting enough money from India government. Until a couple of years ago salary of the Odisha government staff was higher than the the annual income.
Odisha provides income to indian railway, but never gets its due. Nalco was done at the expense of odisha's mine and environment, but AP (Vizag port) gets more revenue from Nalco than Odisha.Odisha has more mines and income of state govt is heavily dependent on mine royalties. Central govt always put the royalties less than recommended. Odisha supplies the iron ore, and coal and steel plants are in neighboring states. Vizag steel plant gets steel and coal from Odisha.
Congress planned with green revolution and white revolution and Odisha was not a part of the experiment. When odisha is going through worst flood in the century Congress government is granting aid to Assam and Bihar and declaring them as national calamity. And our prime minister has no time to access the flood situation in Odisha. Whatever his deputy says,congress ensures that we don't get it. For them popularity of chief minister was a bigger concern than the problem of the people.
When odiya MPs went to meet Congress PM to discuss Odisha issue and special package, PM denied to discuss and worst, he said money does not grow in tree and can't be given to Odisha. Idiot PM, money grows in the mines of Odisha, it is in the deep forests, it is in the rivers with water and futile lands. Give us what we deserve. We don't need mercy from you.
Things have changed a little now. Currently every MP gets money to spend in his constituency and tax collection is distributed. Odisha government gets some money to plan its development. The development done in last 9 years was probable more than what congress has done in more than 50 years. Congress leadership in Odisha has been weak. There are no cabinet minister from odisha during Congress government (Barring mahtab and Biju Patnaik who did not even complete a year). And those who are minister are more loyal to Congress (Read Nehru family) than Odisha.
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Three cheers for Bangalore traffic police
public complain when government shuts down pubs at 11 and want it to be open all night to have night life. At the same time public complain about rash driving, drunken driving.
Bangalore police does a decent job in tracking the late night drivers and the drunken driving. I came from JPNagar to Marathahally on 5th April at 11:30. Traffic police stopped me and checked if I am drunk at Sony world signal and HAL junction near old airport road.
A person was driving crazily near old airport. I was scared the way he over took me and his celebration after over taking me ( I drive slow and never into competition). But he was stopped by the traffic police ( So was I). And he paid the fine and asked to collect his vehicle next day. The guy who was celebrating over taking me seconds ago was looking for help to me, and asked if I can drop him at Marathahally (as autos are not available at that time and his vehicle was with traffic police).
I dropped him at Marathahally and thanked Bangalore traffic police. Traffic police you do a good job. We feel safe to drive in out because of you. Wish you to get beter equipped and do better job.
Don't give us a fish, rather teach us to fish
However currently political parties cutting across the party lines try to defy it. They prove a point by saying, Give them a fish and don't teach them to fish. As long as they are getting fish from you, you can take their vote for granted. How?
BJD is providing rice for RS 2/kg and Congress BJP promise for Rs 1 per kg. So one need not earn enough. As long as he is poor, he can get his meals. Karunanidhi in Tamilnadu get elected by promising free TV. The free list goes from rice, TV, loan, interest etc. So we better get something as free. It teaches people not to work. We Indians are getting lazy and dependent on free stuff.
There is no free lunch in the world. So how does government provide this as free? It is simple. Government does not spend in other expenditure. Education system is pathetic. There are no schools and school with no teachers or infrastructure. There are no development work, people don't get basic amenities like health care and education. Or government can take loan to do these works.
So aam junta is loosing. Actually she is living with rice and does not think beyond it. She is becoming lazy and dependent.
We don't need your sympathy and mercy. Don't give us rice at RS 1 per kg. But generate enough employment. And make the life secure, where we can get our basic livelihood.
Is this an end to Naveen's era?
Naveen is no more anti-corruption. He has earned crores from likes of vedant and Pesco. Odisha property is like BJD property. And he has trusted Pyari Mohan and give tickets not based on images, but based on how close a leader is with Pyari Mohan.
Braj Kishore Tripathy a thorow gentleman and leader of the BJP Parliamentary party denied ticket because Pyari did not like him. Rather Pinaki Mishra who can't speak Odia well(Is that the reason behind ticket? Naveen can't speak Odia well either) and rarely visits Odisha was given ticket.
Surendranath Nayak was given ticket and from Bhubaneswar North and his candidature got changed in last minute because he has not paid his loan. Is there better way to fool public? Mr Nayak was honest that is why he had taken loan from the assembly. Have you ever heard any minister taking loan? Gosh, Mr Nayak was not defaulter; he has paid all his EMI and sincere in paying his loan. What can be the law for his disqualification?
Prasanta nanda an old film acter and ex-minister was thrown out by Naveen for his alleged role in corruption. Mr Nanda was in turn was thrown away from BJP and joined NCP. Naveen has forged alliance with NCP and will ask to vote Mr nanda and may make him a minister.
Bishnu Das who asked Odisha board to give marks to his son illegally was removed from minister, but again given ticket.
Kalindi Behera was removed from minister because of his infamous liquor death in Odisha. His son was awarded with a ticket as he enjoys the confidence of PyariMohan-Naveen duo.
Maheswar Mohanty ex-speaker again got ticket, though he was involved in some controversy. So does his enemey Debashish Samantaray who put Mr Mohanty in controversy. Both of them are now candidates of BJD.
BJD is not only a corrupted party, but went ahead with criminalization. It is the criminal's heaven. There was a rumor that infamous Sabyasachi panda (The mastermind behind Nayagarh Maoist attack) was given ticket from Nayagarh. Mr panda's parents still are in BJd and has lost couple of elections at Panchayat level.
Biranchi's murder was a high profile murder in Bhubaneswar. Raja the main culprit behind it was a BJD supporter. Crime rate has increased in Odisha since last 5 years.
Is this an end to Naveen's era? Wait and watch till the results are out.
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Utkal Dibas @ Bangalore
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Election Commission: Ati sarvatra Garhitam.
Whenever there is an election, government stops all the development work as it may tamper the voters' mindsets. There are lots of election (panchayat, state, centre, municipality) etc. So the government stops its development program for atleasst 5% of the time (6 months in 5 year). So lots of wastage of money and low return on Investment.
Recently EC has asked Odisha government not to celebrate Utkal Dibas. What does they know about it? Will they dare to stop independence day celebration for election? Why do they stop celebrating Utkal divas? Is it not too much of control? How do they know what is close to us and what is not?
In the recent Varun gandhi controversy EC has asked BJP not to file varun gandhi. How can Ec reccomend whom to file and whom not?
Mosquitoes in Katak are dangerous and need to be treated carefully. So Katak Municipal corporation needs to clean the drains and kill the mosquitoes in Summer before it is too late (rainy season). EC has asked not to do any work in Katak.
I understand EC needs to ensure impartial election and stop the program which may alter the outcome. But why do anybody care about an election if election ensures her problem remains unsolved. EC needs to act in a more inclusive approach and need to emphasize with public.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
When there is a will there is a way
Benudhar Sahoo was an average student who was doing his Post-graduation in Odisha. He was a chemistry student and fund of organic chemistry. So he wanted to do his specialization in organic chemistry. But he failed to get enough mark to get organic chemistry specialization. So he was forced to take inorganic chemistry as his specialization. To add to his problem, there were no professors to teach inorganic chemistry. So he was worried for sometime. Then there come the relief-buster India Pak cricket match.
He was watching the day and light match till the end and the highlights etc. By the time he thought anything other that cricket (food yarr) and decided to move on from the TV room it was 2 AM. That day he stayed without any food as no food was available at 2 PM. But it allowed him to do a self analysis which changed his life.
He was thinking about the moments on that day when he did not get organic chemistry specialization, he was thinking about the indo pak match. And the number of hours he has spend in TV room. He thought he can spend hours and skip his dinner for a match and could not help himself in a subject. Wasn't it ridiculous? So he decided to spend time with book in stead of TV room and to spend time in library in stead of watching cricket matches. That is all.
What happened next was as well known. He has dated with books and prepared best notes in inorganic chemistry. He did well in his GATE exam and did his Ph. D. And currently working at NAL as a scientist.
He calls his last year at his MS as his golden period of his life and I have a different opinion. I call the 2 AM on that specific day as the EURECA moment which transformed him.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Prithviraj Chauhan Vs Babur
You might think I am kidding. But I am serious. Dr Singh never said this explicitely, but has said it with his work. Action speaks louder than word. In his last visit to Afganistan (We are paying $$$ to Afgan to rebuild) he ensured that he visited the grave of Babur. Reason??? It is not communal in nature, He did not want to woo Muslim voters or anything. He was just paying tribute to a great leader.
You may say you agree with me for his attitude towards Babur but not with Chauhan. hmm..Then let us listen the other part of the story.
To cut the long story short, Prithviraj died in Afganistan after Killing Sultan Mahmud Ghori. And his Grave still exists in Afghanistan just below Muhammed Ghori's grave. Reason being??
To enter to Ghori's grave one need to step on infadel Prithiraj Chauhan's grave. Andas per our primeminiter he deserves this. Otherwise he would have spoken something about our national hero. It is nothing communal rather secular to visit Babur and ignore Chauhan. And Chauhan is too ordinary a people to get attention of our estimed prime minister.
Do you see the points? If you think our PM has done the wrong thing and we need to show repect to Chauhan, please sign petition here
Monday, 23 March 2009
Right to Cheat
It hurt me because my brother was manhandled. It hurt me because, we know the culprit and still have not complained about him to police. This pains are nothing, when I compare the pain I get from the charecter degradation.
We have accepted cheating as a means of life. Copying in 10th board is one of them. But it is omni-present. people who cheat are treated as heroes and people who help cheating are role models. And people who asks for fair means are bad boys.
I believe in solving a problem than stating it, but don't know what to do. God save such people.
Life of Man
1) He was a hindu
2) He was working in a tribal belt called Kaandhamal instead of some hi-fi area such as Mumbai
3) He believed in working and did not believe in promoting himself and never bribed media.
4) He did not have any god father
5) He was associated with social movement and not political movement
6) He was working against powerful political leaders (Radhakant nayak and John nayak)
7)He was supported by Sangh Paribar who were percieved as communal, no matter what they do
So what did he get?
1)Though he served the tribals for decades and changed the way they live, he was never recognised by the government.
2) He was attempted to murder and those who tried to kill him are roaming free
3) His mission is still incomplete and governemnt does not want to fullfill it. Who cares if the tribals does not have food to eat.
4) Government is busy in catching the rapist of nun (whether it is not proved that she is raped) and parading them, but does not look at doing lie detecter test for the culprits caught for murdering swamiji.
And value of his life is worth nothing.
When the student is ready the master appears
When a baby cries, what does a mother do? Go and give her a toy.. The baby will be engaged with toy for sometime. And after some time the baby will get bored with the toy, and mother will give her a new one. Mother will only go and pay unavoidable attention to her when she does not stop crying with a toy and need only her mother. Same with god. Whenever we are bored with the current toy, god gives us a new one. I am bored of development give me to do something different. At the end of the day we either get bored of current one search something new or be content with the existing one. So we forget about our ultimate goal, we forget about god. If we forget about everything and only look for her, she will come and take us to her lovable arm. So it is I who don't call her with enough dedication. When I call her and am dedicated to her, she is always open with her arm.
It is not only about Paramhans and god but also about the day to day livings. So when the student is ready the master appears.
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Pub Culture; What is it?
Recently our honorable woman and welfare minister Ms Renuka Chowdhury has asked to PUB bharo and asked everybody to go to pub. Chief minister of Karnataka and Rajasthan asked to stop pub culture. What is pub culture?
Let me share my experience on first trip to pub. I was barred to pub(my right to drink alcohol) by the security guards of the pub. I went to pub with a couple of friends most of whom are bellow 25. We were barred to enter the pub. The reason was…. No it was not because we were not 25 but because we were all males and it was a couples day. Anybody without a girlfriend is not allowed. I have seen many other college going students entered the pub. All these thing were happening in the new year eve. So police and media were looking at the incident. I don’t know who makes all the rule of couple day or whatever. But the unwritten rule is couples are welcome and a others are not.
Are you a pub-goer? If not then you may misinterpret couple as I did 8 years ago. Couple need not mean a boy and a girl who are married. It means a group of people of heterogeneous sex with a fair amount of ladies. A woman with 5 men do not make couple where as 3 woman with 5 men do make couple. I believe media was well aware of the facts as media people were roaming around
Recently, I have studies A Night at Call Centre, by Chetan Bhagat.As per the book, right to drink does not end at being a couple. Sometimes pub owners define dress code. Any girl who does not show her naval is not allowed inside. And pub owners do it by calling it a members’ day.
People who go to pub and drink, mostly commute by driving their own car (a few with their bike). And after they are done with pubbing they go back driving. And definitely their alcohol level is way beyond permissible limit. And such driving causes death of innocent people. The murderers either moves freely or gets seven years ail.
So when the media or government talk about pub, are they may talking about rights to drink? Or they want the adulation of culture and discriminate against special dress code and specific people and promote drunken driving?
So a person having a girl friend is better posed to go to pub than a loner or a group of boys. A girl who wears thigh length skirt is more eligible than who wears toe length dress. One who wears skimpy dress is more eligible than one who does not. One who shows parts of the body are better of for going to pub? Can anybody explain what culture it is? Is it not an attack on our culture? Why should somebody be dressed specially or been with some girls to enter into pub?
Monday, 2 February 2009
Sing national anthem and get fired at missionary school
On Jan 26, a principal fired PTI of a missionary school for singing national anthem. And Vishwa Hindu Parishad's joint publicity chief, Devendra Singh Rawat alleged at a press conference that on the Republic Day. It was not a news item. Mr Gupta’s fault is he is a Hindu and he loves his country and not ready to kiss the ass of the missionary by not singing national anthem.
On 2nd Feb, ABVP members ransacked the school. I Violence should be condemned. But why do media prefer to put the news today but not on 26th Jan? when I google abvp ransacked missionary school
Why are the media waking up on 2nd Feb but not on 26th Jan? I have a couple of unanswered questions to our media friends
1) Was it the first instance by the school/principal?
2) What happened to Mr Gupta? Did he get his job back?
3) Is it happening only in one missionary school or multiple missionary school?
4) Did the Principal, Thomas Malancheruvilla acted against our nation for the first time or he has a record of doing so in past?
5) If he has done it in past, why was it never reported?
6) If he has done it for the first time, who has persuaded him for the same and what is the motive behind it?
7) Why English media prefer to report it as ABVP ransacked missionary school in stead of missionary school principal fired PTI for singing national anthem?
8) I have put my comments for the same in TOI, and it is not published. Why does TOI not publish my comments?
9) Are English media accountable for their reports? Do they stand by the fact that firing a PTI for singing national anthem is not big enough to make a head line, but ransacking school is big enough to make national headlines?
10) What is the reason behind not publishing my comments in TOI? My comments for TOI is
TOI could have put the topic as heading of Missionary school principal
fired ateacher for singing national song. But TOI prefered not to. For
TOI neither obeying national anthem is a big deal and nor firing
somebody for respecting is a big deal. But what ABVP does is. What
happened to the PTI? Has he got his job back? What was the history with
school and principal? In case he fired somebody this 26th, he could have
terrorised others not to do so previously. Who is behind the principal?
Is there a bigger conspirancey behind it? Is TOI least bothered about
it? I am sure my comments won't get posted, and TOI definitely won't
answer my concerns.
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Value of Life? A pub goer in mangalore VS cyclist at bangalore
I am just watching a debate on ban on the pub on Times Now. Some states in
Our media was busy in showing how inhuman we are. Why should not we ban pub and allow people to go and drink. A woman has equal rights to drink as man. Even the anchor told Rig Veda has 16 verses about sura pana. One of the participants was telling how ban on drinking is equivalent to ban on education. Media must be forward thinking and is concerned about the people who want to drink and dance whole night. Let us look at what their contribution towards our society is.
Last week a drunken driver killed 4 cyclists while driving his car in
In our village, I have seen people who have lost everything they possess to alcohol. I have seen lots of domestic violence under the influence of alcohol.
What is the solution? Ram Sena way is a big no. We don’t need to think hard. Look at Gandhiji. Do picketing against alcohol in peaceful way. Adult people have the rights to drink and others have the right to do picketing.
I have a question is the life of the cyclist cost less than abusing the girls? Who cares for the cyclists? What about the life of families where somebody spends money on alcohol without the basic minimum requirement of his family? Probable media thinks so. They have reported about the death of four people in some page which is not searchable and runs fronts pages for days about mangalore pub attack.
Saturday, 17 January 2009
AIDS Awareness or attack on Indian Culture?
I was traveling to my office in
To me, AIDS is not a big threat as it is not contagious. I don’t need to worry about it, as long I am honest with my wife. Virtually it won’t spread if people will only have sexual relationship with their wife/husband.
I understand all the people might not think to have only one relationship. And they may be victim of the AIDS. However most of the Indians believe and practice only one relationship and are safe from AIDS. One who wants to prevent AIDS can go for advertising be faithful to your partner and prevent AIDS. It matches our culture, tradition education etc. We can promote our culture and prevent AIDS and tell people about the law on adultery at the same time. However they don’t so. Covertly they are promoting to have multiple sexual relationships and look beyond ones wife/husband.
I told the same to the volunteer who checked my caller tune. He said they are advertising to prevent AIDS both for people the people who have sex with their partner and those who have pre-marital or extra-marital relationship. People who might have done adultery because of age, or any other need should not die because of AIDS. I have to agree with him. No civilized society awards death penalty for adultery. So they have every right to be alive.
I was paused for a minute. And their group leader was approaching me. I have asked her a simple question. What about the blood donated or injection given to somebody? People might need better awareness to use a fresh one instead of reusing injection syringe. Or blood needs to be tested before transferring to somebody else. Do you care for them? Wouldn’t it be better to have awareness campaign at hospital than at a crowded road?
Why do we need to promote the so called safe (adultery??) sex and condom? It is coveted attack on our culture and it is a promotion of adultery than prevention of AIDS.
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