I am confused about direction east-west-north south at most of the places but not at UCE hostel. The reason is hostels are named as east hostel, west hostel and so on. There is a free land among the hostels. And to east of the land it is east hotel and so on. Engineer Pravat Patra have studied at UCE from 1991-1995 and was staying in west hostel from 1992-1994 (second year and third year).
All the hostels habe their own garden, but not comparable with the new hostel (final year hostel currently ladies hostel) garden. And the land have some unwanted grasses, trees and bushes. One would be able to find snakes and rats in the land, which is in the middle of east,west, north and south hostel. Pravatji decided to make a garden at the central land. He spoke with certain friends. Response was positive from most of his friends. So he started with the gardener who was working for west hostel. He and his friends joined the gardener to cut the bushes, clean the unwanted grasses.It was his routine work from 4 PM to 7 PM. After cleaning they put some grasses and flowers in the central garden.
Maintaing the garden was a really collaborative. East hotel was providing water pipe where as west hostel was providing electricity and gardener. North hostel was providing gardener and trolley. And the garden flourished in a couple of months.
To be contd..
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Help to Cyclone affected people of Odisha

Rajkanika has seen worst cyclone, and politicians and government is busy with election. So not much relief has done at Rajkanika, Odisha.
The devastating cyclone of 31.03.2009 has caused thousands of people homeless in the Rajkanika Block of Kendrapara District. 16 peoples have been died so far and more than 500 people have been injured. Around 50 nos. of cattle have been injured and died. Thousands of people of 12 villages in 7 Panchayats have been badly affected.
As always, the volunteers of Utkal Bipanna Sahayata Samiti have rushed to the spot immediately to rescue people & give relief to the affected people. More than 150 volunteers with 2 Ambulances, doctors & paramedical staff have been engaged for different services like rescue, relief, medical aid, cleaning of roads, food materials & clothes distribution, cooked food distribution etc.
The volunteers have been rendering their selfless service day & night for the last 2 days in the affected villages Baghapada, Ganja, Jaguleipada, Sarasa, Govindapur, Taila, Seba Basti & other affected villages.
2 nos. of ambulances with paramedical staff have been engaged to give first aid to the injured people & to shift the injured people to the Rajnagar hospital & other local hospitals. Health camps have been organized in the affected places to give medical aid to the injured people.
More than 100 volunteers have been engaged to clean the roads and to help the affected families to build their houses.
Materials distributed by the volunteers of UBSS so far
i) Biscuit- 25000 Pkts.
ii) Baby food- 300 pkts.
iii) Saree- 2 Nos. of saree (for each family) to 670 families
iv) Dhoti- 2 Nos. of Dhoti (for each family) to 670 families
v) Candle
vi) Match Box
vii) Baby food packets (containing biscuit, amul, sagu & sugar)-10000 packets
Apart from above 2 nos. of centres have been opened to give cooked food at the following places
Name of the village Avg. no. of people (everyday)
i) Baghapada 1500
ii) Ganja 1000
In the coming days, more no. of cooked food centres will be opened to give service to the poor affected people which will continue for more than 3 days. Similarly other services like materials distribution, cleaning, health camp etc. will also be organized for more days.
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
The other side of IT Professionals
This is about IT professionals from the my favorite blog. I agree with most of the things. IT professionals do go through the ups and downs. We do go through lay offs and showing up. Heck I was been to x, Y, Z country. I have a,b,c model car etc. And I completely agree with the author. As an optimist and an IT professional, I have some additional view about the professionals.
India is growing at a faster rate than the rest of the world. IT is not the only cause but it is one of the reasons why India is growing at a faster place. Earlier Indians are refereed to taxi drivers or labors whose per capita income was lower than national average where as today Indians are related to IT professionals whose per capita income is higher than national average (of the country where the professional are staying). So India is no longer looked as a weak, poor country. They are the face of the vibrant India, and India is not looked down by westerners.
IT professionals work hard and need to spend 8 or more hours at work. Some people like it and most people abide by it as they don't have a choice. But the end result is, we are not afraid to work. It is quite opposite to what happens in the government offices. The work culture at IT has transformed Government offices to some extent (will transform even more) and the young generation government officers are not shy to work hard. This is a change in national character and help India move forward.
India is growing at a faster rate than the rest of the world. IT is not the only cause but it is one of the reasons why India is growing at a faster place. Earlier Indians are refereed to taxi drivers or labors whose per capita income was lower than national average where as today Indians are related to IT professionals whose per capita income is higher than national average (of the country where the professional are staying). So India is no longer looked as a weak, poor country. They are the face of the vibrant India, and India is not looked down by westerners.
IT professionals work hard and need to spend 8 or more hours at work. Some people like it and most people abide by it as they don't have a choice. But the end result is, we are not afraid to work. It is quite opposite to what happens in the government offices. The work culture at IT has transformed Government offices to some extent (will transform even more) and the young generation government officers are not shy to work hard. This is a change in national character and help India move forward.
Odishaku khaila kie?? Congress..
It is a modified version of Odia geeta E gaura. Odisha is one of poorest states in India. It is the state with higher minerals, more number of rivers, rainfalls above the national level, higher percentage of forest in land. Why is it still poor? I broadly put it on two different reason. 1) Attitude of Odiya people and 2)Attitude of central leadership towards Odisha.
Not all but most of the Odia people are happy with whatever they get. And they believe in simple living. So they are happy with whatever they have and don't aspire and dream. This has lead to laziness and dependent on luck. If people don't get their regular crop (due to flood or drought) they blame their luck and go ahead with the life. This in turn become a part and parcel of their live and they have not thought of having a better life. They have not dreamed, so having a lion share in the mines, Odisha has a low share in industrial production.
India's revenue model was designed to federated where central government collects the revenue centrally and let the Govt of India do the expenditure and state government spend it as per the donations by central government. Odisha government was not getting enough money from India government. Until a couple of years ago salary of the Odisha government staff was higher than the the annual income.
Odisha provides income to indian railway, but never gets its due. Nalco was done at the expense of odisha's mine and environment, but AP (Vizag port) gets more revenue from Nalco than Odisha.Odisha has more mines and income of state govt is heavily dependent on mine royalties. Central govt always put the royalties less than recommended. Odisha supplies the iron ore, and coal and steel plants are in neighboring states. Vizag steel plant gets steel and coal from Odisha.
Congress planned with green revolution and white revolution and Odisha was not a part of the experiment. When odisha is going through worst flood in the century Congress government is granting aid to Assam and Bihar and declaring them as national calamity. And our prime minister has no time to access the flood situation in Odisha. Whatever his deputy says,congress ensures that we don't get it. For them popularity of chief minister was a bigger concern than the problem of the people.
When odiya MPs went to meet Congress PM to discuss Odisha issue and special package, PM denied to discuss and worst, he said money does not grow in tree and can't be given to Odisha. Idiot PM, money grows in the mines of Odisha, it is in the deep forests, it is in the rivers with water and futile lands. Give us what we deserve. We don't need mercy from you.
Things have changed a little now. Currently every MP gets money to spend in his constituency and tax collection is distributed. Odisha government gets some money to plan its development. The development done in last 9 years was probable more than what congress has done in more than 50 years. Congress leadership in Odisha has been weak. There are no cabinet minister from odisha during Congress government (Barring mahtab and Biju Patnaik who did not even complete a year). And those who are minister are more loyal to Congress (Read Nehru family) than Odisha.
Not all but most of the Odia people are happy with whatever they get. And they believe in simple living. So they are happy with whatever they have and don't aspire and dream. This has lead to laziness and dependent on luck. If people don't get their regular crop (due to flood or drought) they blame their luck and go ahead with the life. This in turn become a part and parcel of their live and they have not thought of having a better life. They have not dreamed, so having a lion share in the mines, Odisha has a low share in industrial production.
India's revenue model was designed to federated where central government collects the revenue centrally and let the Govt of India do the expenditure and state government spend it as per the donations by central government. Odisha government was not getting enough money from India government. Until a couple of years ago salary of the Odisha government staff was higher than the the annual income.
Odisha provides income to indian railway, but never gets its due. Nalco was done at the expense of odisha's mine and environment, but AP (Vizag port) gets more revenue from Nalco than Odisha.Odisha has more mines and income of state govt is heavily dependent on mine royalties. Central govt always put the royalties less than recommended. Odisha supplies the iron ore, and coal and steel plants are in neighboring states. Vizag steel plant gets steel and coal from Odisha.
Congress planned with green revolution and white revolution and Odisha was not a part of the experiment. When odisha is going through worst flood in the century Congress government is granting aid to Assam and Bihar and declaring them as national calamity. And our prime minister has no time to access the flood situation in Odisha. Whatever his deputy says,congress ensures that we don't get it. For them popularity of chief minister was a bigger concern than the problem of the people.
When odiya MPs went to meet Congress PM to discuss Odisha issue and special package, PM denied to discuss and worst, he said money does not grow in tree and can't be given to Odisha. Idiot PM, money grows in the mines of Odisha, it is in the deep forests, it is in the rivers with water and futile lands. Give us what we deserve. We don't need mercy from you.
Things have changed a little now. Currently every MP gets money to spend in his constituency and tax collection is distributed. Odisha government gets some money to plan its development. The development done in last 9 years was probable more than what congress has done in more than 50 years. Congress leadership in Odisha has been weak. There are no cabinet minister from odisha during Congress government (Barring mahtab and Biju Patnaik who did not even complete a year). And those who are minister are more loyal to Congress (Read Nehru family) than Odisha.
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Three cheers for Bangalore traffic police
Traffic police job is a thankless job like umpires in cricket. They are blamed for any accident. They are ill equipped and town is over crowded and have more vehicles than it can manage. Still Bangalore traffic police does a decent job.
public complain when government shuts down pubs at 11 and want it to be open all night to have night life. At the same time public complain about rash driving, drunken driving.
Bangalore police does a decent job in tracking the late night drivers and the drunken driving. I came from JPNagar to Marathahally on 5th April at 11:30. Traffic police stopped me and checked if I am drunk at Sony world signal and HAL junction near old airport road.
A person was driving crazily near old airport. I was scared the way he over took me and his celebration after over taking me ( I drive slow and never into competition). But he was stopped by the traffic police ( So was I). And he paid the fine and asked to collect his vehicle next day. The guy who was celebrating over taking me seconds ago was looking for help to me, and asked if I can drop him at Marathahally (as autos are not available at that time and his vehicle was with traffic police).
I dropped him at Marathahally and thanked Bangalore traffic police. Traffic police you do a good job. We feel safe to drive in out because of you. Wish you to get beter equipped and do better job.
public complain when government shuts down pubs at 11 and want it to be open all night to have night life. At the same time public complain about rash driving, drunken driving.
Bangalore police does a decent job in tracking the late night drivers and the drunken driving. I came from JPNagar to Marathahally on 5th April at 11:30. Traffic police stopped me and checked if I am drunk at Sony world signal and HAL junction near old airport road.
A person was driving crazily near old airport. I was scared the way he over took me and his celebration after over taking me ( I drive slow and never into competition). But he was stopped by the traffic police ( So was I). And he paid the fine and asked to collect his vehicle next day. The guy who was celebrating over taking me seconds ago was looking for help to me, and asked if I can drop him at Marathahally (as autos are not available at that time and his vehicle was with traffic police).
I dropped him at Marathahally and thanked Bangalore traffic police. Traffic police you do a good job. We feel safe to drive in out because of you. Wish you to get beter equipped and do better job.
Traffic Police
Don't give us a fish, rather teach us to fish
An 0ld proverb..Don't give them a fish, teach them how to fish. It means empowering them to eat fish forever in stead of making them dependent on somebody else. It is a simple powerful one liner.
However currently political parties cutting across the party lines try to defy it. They prove a point by saying, Give them a fish and don't teach them to fish. As long as they are getting fish from you, you can take their vote for granted. How?
BJD is providing rice for RS 2/kg and Congress BJP promise for Rs 1 per kg. So one need not earn enough. As long as he is poor, he can get his meals. Karunanidhi in Tamilnadu get elected by promising free TV. The free list goes from rice, TV, loan, interest etc. So we better get something as free. It teaches people not to work. We Indians are getting lazy and dependent on free stuff.
There is no free lunch in the world. So how does government provide this as free? It is simple. Government does not spend in other expenditure. Education system is pathetic. There are no schools and school with no teachers or infrastructure. There are no development work, people don't get basic amenities like health care and education. Or government can take loan to do these works.
So aam junta is loosing. Actually she is living with rice and does not think beyond it. She is becoming lazy and dependent.
We don't need your sympathy and mercy. Don't give us rice at RS 1 per kg. But generate enough employment. And make the life secure, where we can get our basic livelihood.
However currently political parties cutting across the party lines try to defy it. They prove a point by saying, Give them a fish and don't teach them to fish. As long as they are getting fish from you, you can take their vote for granted. How?
BJD is providing rice for RS 2/kg and Congress BJP promise for Rs 1 per kg. So one need not earn enough. As long as he is poor, he can get his meals. Karunanidhi in Tamilnadu get elected by promising free TV. The free list goes from rice, TV, loan, interest etc. So we better get something as free. It teaches people not to work. We Indians are getting lazy and dependent on free stuff.
There is no free lunch in the world. So how does government provide this as free? It is simple. Government does not spend in other expenditure. Education system is pathetic. There are no schools and school with no teachers or infrastructure. There are no development work, people don't get basic amenities like health care and education. Or government can take loan to do these works.
So aam junta is loosing. Actually she is living with rice and does not think beyond it. She is becoming lazy and dependent.
We don't need your sympathy and mercy. Don't give us rice at RS 1 per kg. But generate enough employment. And make the life secure, where we can get our basic livelihood.
Is this an end to Naveen's era?
Naveen patnaik is known for his ruthlessness to his political opponents. He declared a candidate in Patkura in the last minute to throw out Bijay Mohapatra. People welcame his decision as Bijay Mahapatra was infamous as Janki Patnaik. And Naveen had aliance with BJP and there was a pro-Vajpayee wave which helped Naveen. And people thought Naveen is against corrupted leaders. Off late things have changed. Naveen has changed his tactis.
Naveen is no more anti-corruption. He has earned crores from likes of vedant and Pesco. Odisha property is like BJD property. And he has trusted Pyari Mohan and give tickets not based on images, but based on how close a leader is with Pyari Mohan.
Braj Kishore Tripathy a thorow gentleman and leader of the BJP Parliamentary party denied ticket because Pyari did not like him. Rather Pinaki Mishra who can't speak Odia well(Is that the reason behind ticket? Naveen can't speak Odia well either) and rarely visits Odisha was given ticket.
Surendranath Nayak was given ticket and from Bhubaneswar North and his candidature got changed in last minute because he has not paid his loan. Is there better way to fool public? Mr Nayak was honest that is why he had taken loan from the assembly. Have you ever heard any minister taking loan? Gosh, Mr Nayak was not defaulter; he has paid all his EMI and sincere in paying his loan. What can be the law for his disqualification?
Prasanta nanda an old film acter and ex-minister was thrown out by Naveen for his alleged role in corruption. Mr Nanda was in turn was thrown away from BJP and joined NCP. Naveen has forged alliance with NCP and will ask to vote Mr nanda and may make him a minister.
Bishnu Das who asked Odisha board to give marks to his son illegally was removed from minister, but again given ticket.
Kalindi Behera was removed from minister because of his infamous liquor death in Odisha. His son was awarded with a ticket as he enjoys the confidence of PyariMohan-Naveen duo.
Maheswar Mohanty ex-speaker again got ticket, though he was involved in some controversy. So does his enemey Debashish Samantaray who put Mr Mohanty in controversy. Both of them are now candidates of BJD.
BJD is not only a corrupted party, but went ahead with criminalization. It is the criminal's heaven. There was a rumor that infamous Sabyasachi panda (The mastermind behind Nayagarh Maoist attack) was given ticket from Nayagarh. Mr panda's parents still are in BJd and has lost couple of elections at Panchayat level.
Biranchi's murder was a high profile murder in Bhubaneswar. Raja the main culprit behind it was a BJD supporter. Crime rate has increased in Odisha since last 5 years.
Is this an end to Naveen's era? Wait and watch till the results are out.
Naveen is no more anti-corruption. He has earned crores from likes of vedant and Pesco. Odisha property is like BJD property. And he has trusted Pyari Mohan and give tickets not based on images, but based on how close a leader is with Pyari Mohan.
Braj Kishore Tripathy a thorow gentleman and leader of the BJP Parliamentary party denied ticket because Pyari did not like him. Rather Pinaki Mishra who can't speak Odia well(Is that the reason behind ticket? Naveen can't speak Odia well either) and rarely visits Odisha was given ticket.
Surendranath Nayak was given ticket and from Bhubaneswar North and his candidature got changed in last minute because he has not paid his loan. Is there better way to fool public? Mr Nayak was honest that is why he had taken loan from the assembly. Have you ever heard any minister taking loan? Gosh, Mr Nayak was not defaulter; he has paid all his EMI and sincere in paying his loan. What can be the law for his disqualification?
Prasanta nanda an old film acter and ex-minister was thrown out by Naveen for his alleged role in corruption. Mr Nanda was in turn was thrown away from BJP and joined NCP. Naveen has forged alliance with NCP and will ask to vote Mr nanda and may make him a minister.
Bishnu Das who asked Odisha board to give marks to his son illegally was removed from minister, but again given ticket.
Kalindi Behera was removed from minister because of his infamous liquor death in Odisha. His son was awarded with a ticket as he enjoys the confidence of PyariMohan-Naveen duo.
Maheswar Mohanty ex-speaker again got ticket, though he was involved in some controversy. So does his enemey Debashish Samantaray who put Mr Mohanty in controversy. Both of them are now candidates of BJD.
BJD is not only a corrupted party, but went ahead with criminalization. It is the criminal's heaven. There was a rumor that infamous Sabyasachi panda (The mastermind behind Nayagarh Maoist attack) was given ticket from Nayagarh. Mr panda's parents still are in BJd and has lost couple of elections at Panchayat level.
Biranchi's murder was a high profile murder in Bhubaneswar. Raja the main culprit behind it was a BJD supporter. Crime rate has increased in Odisha since last 5 years.
Is this an end to Naveen's era? Wait and watch till the results are out.
Corrupt politician,
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Utkal Dibas @ Bangalore
Odisha Government succumbed to EC and decided not to celebrate Utkal Dibas. What to expect from a chief minister who can't speak odia? However things were different at Bangalore. Here Utkal Dibas was an apolitical event, and was organused by Odisha Cultural Association OCA did a good job and hats off to OCA.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Election Commission: Ati sarvatra Garhitam.
Ati sarvatra garhitam (too much is always bad). It applies for the EC India. I am proud to be Indian. I am proud of democracy in India. I am proud of neutral EC and the way election is conducted in India. However EC has crossed limit and now trying to show their power at lots of places where things were better without their intervention.
Whenever there is an election, government stops all the development work as it may tamper the voters' mindsets. There are lots of election (panchayat, state, centre, municipality) etc. So the government stops its development program for atleasst 5% of the time (6 months in 5 year). So lots of wastage of money and low return on Investment.
Recently EC has asked Odisha government not to celebrate Utkal Dibas. What does they know about it? Will they dare to stop independence day celebration for election? Why do they stop celebrating Utkal divas? Is it not too much of control? How do they know what is close to us and what is not?
In the recent Varun gandhi controversy EC has asked BJP not to file varun gandhi. How can Ec reccomend whom to file and whom not?
Mosquitoes in Katak are dangerous and need to be treated carefully. So Katak Municipal corporation needs to clean the drains and kill the mosquitoes in Summer before it is too late (rainy season). EC has asked not to do any work in Katak.
I understand EC needs to ensure impartial election and stop the program which may alter the outcome. But why do anybody care about an election if election ensures her problem remains unsolved. EC needs to act in a more inclusive approach and need to emphasize with public.
Whenever there is an election, government stops all the development work as it may tamper the voters' mindsets. There are lots of election (panchayat, state, centre, municipality) etc. So the government stops its development program for atleasst 5% of the time (6 months in 5 year). So lots of wastage of money and low return on Investment.
Recently EC has asked Odisha government not to celebrate Utkal Dibas. What does they know about it? Will they dare to stop independence day celebration for election? Why do they stop celebrating Utkal divas? Is it not too much of control? How do they know what is close to us and what is not?
In the recent Varun gandhi controversy EC has asked BJP not to file varun gandhi. How can Ec reccomend whom to file and whom not?
Mosquitoes in Katak are dangerous and need to be treated carefully. So Katak Municipal corporation needs to clean the drains and kill the mosquitoes in Summer before it is too late (rainy season). EC has asked not to do any work in Katak.
I understand EC needs to ensure impartial election and stop the program which may alter the outcome. But why do anybody care about an election if election ensures her problem remains unsolved. EC needs to act in a more inclusive approach and need to emphasize with public.
Utkal dibas
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