Thursday, 13 March 2008

Why Balbir Punj is MP from Orissa?

Balbir Punj is the official BJP Candidate for Rajya Sabha from Orissa.Looking at the numbers he will be elected to the Rajya Sabha. SurelyBJP will get its own man nominated. But what will Orissa get out of it?Will Mr Punj spend the his MP-lad money for the development of Orissa?What is his plan for the money? He does not know anything about Orissaand more interested about his state Punjab. So MP-lad goes to Punjab. Orissa is neglected by Central government starting from planningfrom an IISc to Railway budget. Punj will be at an influential positionif NDA will be on power, Will he influence some of the decisions toOrissa's favor? Looking at the history, it does not look so. S. R Bomaia former Karnataka CM was a Rajya Sabha MP from Orissa. When he gotcabinet minister, he did not do anything for Orissa. Why will Mr Punj be loyal to Orissa? Neither the People of Orissanor the leaders of Orissa selected him. Rather his loyalty to theleaders like Advani fetched his the Rajya sabha seat. So he will beloyal to high command than to Orissa. Mr Punj's selection is an indication that Orissa does not have any ableleaders from BJP, thus BJP selected Punj ahead of other Odiyas. So Orissa lost out the MP-lad fund. And there will be 30 people inParliament who will represent Orissa in stead of 31. And it will weakenBJP at the state level.

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Why should I pay tax?

You may complain government is not doing enough to solve our problem.Traffic is a problem. IT professionals are getting harassed byeverybody starting from vegetable vendors to auto-walahs. But not payingtax is not the solution. A mistake does not solve another mistake.

Is the tax so high? I don't think so. In India we don't pay tax till1,50,000.Some part of HRA is exempted from tax. Savings till 1,00,000 is exemptedfrom tax.Tax is lower at lower income group and increases after a certain income.So somebody whoearns around 6,00,000 pays an tax of 1,00,000, which is around 16%? Thisis much bellow than thatof USA. So the employees don't pay much tax.

Who is getting benifited from the tax? Lot of us studied in subsidizedschool/college or private school or college which is build on subsidized land.Government has paid for us, and it should be our duty to return back.

Today lots of IT professionals own their own car. It increases thetraffic problem.Thus government needs to build fly-over. Spend to manage the trafficproblem. So government does spend because of us.

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Why should I pay tax?

A working professional pays income tax before he gets her salary. And probable one of the honest community which pays proper amount of tax on time. Many of my friends complain about undue tax rate and how we as working professional pay more tax and get nothing from the government. Come to any office in Jan/Feb, you will hear about tax talk. How much is to be taxed, what is the legal/illegal way of reducing the tax.

Many people complain about paying tax, but mostly what they complain is not to pay any tax at all, but to pay reasonable tax and get return of it. Are they over taxed? Are they not getting the return of the tax? What is the government doing with th tax?